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16 hour Intermittent fasting, Myfitness Pal and Exercise


I have launched a new diet and fitness regimen.

I am trying 16-hour intermittent fasting. This is not eating for 16 hours. I stop eating at 8pm and start eating at noon. This can shift by up to an hour each way. Some days it may only be 14.5 to 15 hours of fasting.

So basically avoiding snacking during the fasting time, drinking a lot of water and skipping breakfast. It seems to be going pretty well. I feel less bloated and I am more alert. So far after a little over a week. I have lost 4 pounds.

I watched various Youtube videos and there are tweaks that can be done to enhance the fasting. One of the big benefits is that the stomach shrinks during the fasting. So ideally the evening meal should be more calorie dense with good fats like in avacado. Bulky salads and other foods that would take up a lot of space in the stomach should be avoided.

MyFitnessPal is app to help track exercise and food consumption.
Zero is app to track the exact time of your fast.

Also, below is a video that discusses using volume of exercise instead of intensity.

1. It can take time to adapt to the fasting / feeding schedule.

This was not a problem for me as I have done South Beach diets before.

2. Start with a longer feeding window. Gradually work up to a longer fasting period.

3. No food (calories) during the fast.

Most Teas are ok. But not herbal teas w/fruit
Black coffee can be ok.
Drink a lot of water

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