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IPFS News Link • Robots and Artificial Intelligence

A team of AI algorithms just crushed humans in a complex computer game

• by Will Knight

Five different AI algorithms have teamed up to kick human butt in Dota 2, a popular strategy computer game.

Researchers at OpenAI, a nonprofit based in California, developed the algorithmic A team, which they call the OpenAI Five. Each algorithm uses a neural network to learn not only how to play the game, but also how to cooperate with its AI teammates. It has started defeating amateur Dota 2 players in testing, OpenAI says.

This is an important and novel direction for AI, since algorithms typically operate independently. Approaches that help algorithms cooperate with each other could prove important for commercial uses of the technology. AI algorithms could, for instance, team up to outmaneuver opponents in online trading or ad bidding. Collaborative algorithms might also cooperate with humans.

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

How do you do the court stuff in the below comment? You have the right in a court case against you, to file motions into the case, via the Court Clerk. File a claim rather than a motion. Actually state, "I, 'a' man, Pete Johnson, claim that no man or woman will get on the stand, show an injury, and prove that I was the one who caused any such injury." Your claim has to be heard before the complaint against you. Since the U.S. of A. or the particular State is often the one listed on the indictment, and since you as a man have the right to face your accuser, your accuser on the indictment will not be able to take the oath or affirmation, get on the stand, and state anything. Why not. It is just paperwork, and these pieces of paper can't do anything, let alone get on the stand.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Do you remember how Captain Kirk of the Enterprise beat the Kobayashi Maru computer simulation - ( The computer AI algorithms didn't beat the human teams. It was simply other human teams that beat the human teams, by reprogramming the computer. - Law is similar. It isn't defendants getting beaten in court. It is the court officials "reprogramming" the court into tricking the man or woman into thinking he/she is a defendant. If you want to be beaten, become the defendant that the courts ask you to be. If you want to at least stand a chance of winning, stand as a man or woman, not as the defendant.
