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IPFS News Link • Police State

Cops Raid Little Boys' Lemonade Stand, Shut it Down for Not Having a Permit


A four-year-old and a six-year-old had their entrepreneurial spirit crushed this week as police descended on their lemonade stand and shut them down for not having a permit.

Common sense, among those who work inside the state, is a rare commodity. Agents of the state, like those who work in law enforcement, often become so blinded to reality by 'just doing my job' they throw logic and reason to the wayside, choosing authority and force instead. Nothing highlights this blind order following quite like police tormenting a two young boys for the crime of selling lemonade without a permit.

Jennifer Knowles, mother of three boys, wanted to instill a bit of entrepreneurial spirit in her sons over the Memorial Day weekend. So, Knowles and her husband decided they would have her four and six-year-old sons run a lemonade stand.

"We have never had a lemonade stand and the boys thought Memorial Day weekend is going to be great weather, so why not have a lemonade stand across the street in the park," Knowles said.

Knowles told Denver 7 that she remembered having lemonade stands when she was a kid and she wanted her kids to do the same.

"I want to teach my kids about being an entrepreneur and having your own business. My 6-year-old got his little toy cash register out that he got when he was about two or three and he was learning how to interact with customers and about customer service," Knowles said.

On top of teaching her children how to be entrepreneurs, Knowles said she wanted to teach them about giving to those less fortunate as well.