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IPFS News Link • Science, Medicine and Technology

The Logic, Wisdom and Scientific Evidence for the Homeopathic Treatment of Influenza


This is the time of year that Big Media seeks to appease its biggest advertisers, Big Pharma, by helping to spread fear and panic about this year's "flu epidemic." They commonly quote sensationalized statistics, suggesting that you will die or become very ill unless you vaccinate. However, conveniently enough, even the Lung Association admits that the vast majority of these deaths associated with the flu are not from this illness at all but from pneumonia.1

This merging of statistics is rare in medicine or science, except when the economics of Big Pharma (or another big industry) are involved, as their bible seemingly becomes "Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics" (in other words, how to use statistics to create fear and sell drugs). The fact that last year's flu vaccine was a dismal 42 percent effective2 is completely ignored by the media, though the 2014-15 flu vaccine was only 23 percent effective (and not surprisingly, virtually no major media reported on this fact).

The real problems from getting the flu are not from the disease itself but from the mismanagement of the disease by doctors and by patients. People with the flu mistakenly take aspirin or acetaminophen to "lower the fever" of the flu, but that is one of the worst things that you can do for yourself, unless one happens to have a fever with a high temperature of 103 degrees Fahrenheit or more (a very rare experience, except in infants).

Generally, physicians and pathologists consider a fever to be one of the important defensive functions of the body. The fever is one of the methods that your body deploys to fight viral infection. During a fever, the body secretes increased amounts of interferon, an antiviral chemical. If a person takes a fever-lowering drug, the body doesn't secrete this antiviral chemical as much, enabling the virus to overwhelm the sick person.

It is almost as though physicians don't respect the "wisdom of the body." Instead of using those conventional drugs to suppress a fever, a good physician or healer will help augment the person's natural defenses to aid the resolution of the infection. The real reason that the flu epidemic of 1918 to 1919 killed so many people was not simply because of this viral infection but because a relatively new drug, called aspirin, was used in large amounts.3

New York City was found to have one of the lowest mortality rates from the flu than any major city in the U.S.,4 in part because the health commissioner of New York City was Dr. Royal Copeland, a homeopathic physician who discouraged the use of aspirin and encouraged safer natural methods, including homeopathic medicines.5

Copeland was later elected senator for the state of New York three times, and he wrote the famed Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938, which was one of the most important consumer rights laws ever written because it empowered the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to regulate drugs — and it also gave federal recognition to homeopathic medicines as "drugs."

The Wisdom, Logic and Scientific Evidence for Homeopathy and the Flu

It is generally recognized that living organisms, including the human body, will go to extraordinary measures to survive. In doing so, it can and will create symptoms as defenses and as adaptive measures to fight infection or stress. When the human body is exposed to a flu virus, the body inflames into a fever as a defensive effort to fight the virus. During a fever, the body increases its number of T-cells and B-cells that help fight viral infection.
