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IPFS News Link • Internet

The Lunatic Technocracy to Introduce Truth Algorithms for Us

•, By: Phil Butler

The lunatics are set loose. Nobody is watching the asylum. And soon the sanitarium gates will burst open into the world population. Yes, I am talking about America the lunatic pen. Google, the disorderly orderly of the digital wing of the nut house, now has free reign. Read to the end, and the disjointed chaos caused when natural selection goes wrong.

When I read the news Google's Eric Schmidt had announced the Mountain View company would "create" algorithm to de-rank Russia's RT and Sputnik, I instantly thought, "Here we go into the last phased of Orwell's 1984." First, there is no algorithm to create to take RT and Sputnik out of the public view. Google execs just make everything sound technical to appease weak minds. And they love to be able to blame things on "the machine" if things go wrong. For the novice in how Google really works it is probably best to just consider worst cases of corporate monopolization. If you ever saw the film "The Devil's Advocate", then understanding how people get roped into the Mountain View, California manipulation machine will be easier.

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