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IPFS News Link • Treason and Sedition

Senator Harry Reid and Judge Navarro Are Guilty of Treason Against the People of the United States

• by Dave Hodges

I have authored two previous parts of this series in which I disclosded how I knew that the Bundy release was going to be ordered almost three days prior to the ruling by Judge Navarro and that Navarro was being legally blackmailed by elements loyal to the country and the Constitution in order to force the release of the Bundys'.

In this third part, I will dislose that Navarro and Senator Harry Reid et al, are guilty of treason and at the heart of the matter involves the facilitation of the United States being conquered by a Red Dawn type of invasion. Judge Navarro was up to her eyes in this conspiracy and is guilty of conspiracy to commit treason.

Judge Navarro and Senator Harry Reid

The FBI agent who provided me with the information that the Bundys' were going to be ordered to be released from prison told me that the FBI/DOJ put the squeeze on Navarro in order to force the Bundy's release from prison. I was told that Navarro was guilty of taking orders from Obama, even after he left office in January of 2017 and that she was protecting Senator Harry Reid. We find the motivation behind this allegation from the following paragraphs.

The association between Navarro, Reid and Obama has a clear path as evidenced by the following excerpt: