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IPFS News Link • Globalism

Rappoport: When the Rockefeller Trilateral Commission Exposed Its Own Secret

•, By: Jon Rappoport

Now and then, I republish an explosive interview with two Rockefeller Trilateral Commission members, highlighting how much political power can be controlled in a few hands.

People often misunderstand how the game works. In the area of US foreign policy, for example, they focus on the long-standing rats' nest called the State Department.

Well, they should. But that bureaucracy implements policy. It doesn't really formulate the basics. The basics come from higher on the food chain.

The Globalist movement—within which the Trilateral Commission is a leading force—dictates a "one-world" theme. Separate nations and their power should be melted down and folded into one planet-wide management system.

This system would ultimately determine worldwide production quotas for goods and services, and their distribution. Energy, in particular, is a prime target. How much will be created? Who will benefit? Who will suffer?

The US federal government and other governments around the world are currently trying to bring us closer to that "utopian day."
