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IPFS News Link • Children

Authorities Now Installing Cameras in School Bathrooms -- A Predator's Dream Come True


Windsor, CO — As the ever-increasing surveillance state continues to consume the United States, many are left wondering how far authorities will go in their pursuit to end privacy altogether in the name of ostensible safety. As a recent case out of Windsor, Colorado illustrates—even children's bathrooms are now considered fair game for the all-seeing eye of the state.

Some parents of students at Windsor Charter Academy are speaking up after the school announced its decision to put surveillance cameras in all of the high school's bathrooms. Not only do the cameras obliterate students' privacy but they also pave the way for rampant abuse by sexual predators.

According to FOX 31, Windsor Charter Academy executive director Rebecca Teeples said the installation of cameras improves safety for students while helping secure the building.

"We had surveillance cameras in our plans from the very start. It was part of the design of the new wing," Teeples said. "We want to make sure our students are safe and secure."

Apparently being safe means having someone record you while you're most vulnerable.

Naturally, some parents are speaking up and demanding the school take these cameras down. One parent, Trevor Garrett, who has three children at the school said the cameras in the bathrooms violate students' right to privacy—and he's right.

"The first word that comes to mind is disgusting," Garrett said. "I never thought it would be on anyone's mind to put cameras in bathrooms anywhere."

Garrett also brings up the potential for abuse, noting that students will be obviously exposed in front of these cameras.

"My gut reaction is, I'm a father, I want to protect my children and I'm going to protect any kids in here," Garrett said. "I think when we sacrifice privacy for the sake of safety, it's a very slippery slope.

"At what point does it cross that threshold and violate rights? I think [in this situation] this violates rights."

"It makes me really uncomfortable going in there," said Garrett's middle school student Kaylee Garrett.

Teeples is defending the placement of the cameras in the high school bathrooms because the stalls go from the floor to the ceiling. However, as Garrett pointed out, what if the child is exposed outside of the stall, changing clothes for example.
