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IPFS News Link • Technocracy

Progressivism And Democratic Institutions Are Giving Way To Technocracy

•, By: Bruce Thornton

For over forty years the left has been successfully reshaping American culture. Social mores and government policies about sexuality, marriage, the sexes, race relations, morality, and ethics have changed radically. The collective wisdom of the human race that we call tradition has been marginalized or discarded completely. The role of religion in public life has been reduced to a private preference. And politics has been increasingly driven by the assumptions of progressivism: internationalism privileged over nationalism, centralization of power over its dispersal in federalism, elitist technocracy over democratic republicanism, "human sciences" over common sense, and dependent clients over autonomous citizens.

But the election of Donald Trump, and the overreach of the left's response to that victory, suggest that we may be seeing the beginning of the end of the left's cultural, social, and political dominance.
