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IPFS News Link • Family

Spanking Your Child Can Have Negative Effects on Their Personality & Lower Their IQ

• by Amanda Monteiro

More often than not, we turn to our childhood for answers and try to determine when certain seeds were planted that inspired doubt or hesitancy in our personalities. As we grow older, we come to better understand our childhood environment as we get to better know ourselves and our family relationships. We may come to realize that certain habits of our parents marked on our home and shaped how we handle the world today. Simply put, how you were raised directly impacts the person you become, whether you recognize it or not.

Some new parents may harbour fears about this very fact. In some cases, they don't want to be like their own parents, but they also don't want to spoil their child. New parents seek all forms of alternatives, all forms of raising a child in the best possible way they can, and when it comes to punishment in particular, there are plenty of schools of thought. You may say to yourself that you were hit as a child and turned out fine, but that was your norm, and it's difficult to pin down just how it affected you. Research suggests this kind of punishment does leave a mark, however.