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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Vaccines are covertly injecting everyone with disease-causing viruses...

•, by Vicki Batts

Mikovits has spent a lifetime studying autoimmune and neuroimmune diseases, cancer, and other conditions caused by chronic inflammation. Specifically, she's been studying retroviruses and how they contribute to the onset of these life-altering conditions. And in a recent article, Mikovits sheds some light one of the most concerning aspects of retroviruses: their unsuspecting place in vaccines.

As Mikovits explains, one of the primary sources of debilitating retroviruses is (you guessed it) vaccines. In fact, she posits that virtually all vaccines are contaminated with some sort of retrovirus, stemming from an animal family — most likely because of all those lovely animal by-products used to create vaccines. For example, at least six percent of Americans have picked up mouse-related retroviruses, most likely because of vaccines. In fact, up to 20 million Americans are likely hosting a retrovirus thanks to an inoculation they received at the mainstream medical establishment's behest.

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