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IPFS News Link • Trump Administration

Trump To Impose More Sanctions On North Korea Today


Following yesterday's anticlimatic Rex Tillerson press conference in which the Secretary of State was expected, by some, to make an important announcement only to disappoint, moments ago National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster said on CNN that "the president will make an important announcement today about the continuation of our efforts to resolve this problem with North Korea short of war."

McMaster added that Trump will "make that announcement as he meets with our very close allies South Korea and Japan."

As Bloomberg reminds us, President Trump is set to meet with South Korea President Moon Jae-inat 11:30am and Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at 12:15pm in New York.

McMaster said Trump has also made a decision about Iran deal. "I know what the decision is - but when the president reveals that, when he talks about it he'll place it context of the broader approach to Iran" and what we have to do to keep Iran from continuing destabilizing efforts.

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