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IPFS News Link • Food And Drug Administration / F.D.A

Big Pharma Bias:

• By Justin Gardner

Cannabis and ecstasy are both Schedule 1 drugs and both show incredible promise for treating PTSD, but FDA only approves of the pharmaceutical one.

If there's one refrain we hear from politicians more than anything else, it's "I support the troops." However, their definition of "support" changes with the political wind, and more often than not is a farce.

One example is the ongoing denial of medical cannabis to war veterans suffering from a range of conditions, from chronic pain to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Despite plenty of evidence—both scientific and real-world—that cannabis effectively treats these conditions, those who purportedly fought for freedom come home only to lose freedom under the War on Drugs.

The Veterans Administration (VA) still prohibits doctors from recommending cannabis or its extracts—including cannabidiol (CBD) which does not produce a high—even though most U.S. states acknowledge the science and have legalized medical cannabis.