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IPFS News Link • Korea/North Korea

After Reported H-Bomb Test, Trump Mulls Attacking North Korea

• by Jason Ditz

North Korea has carried out its sixth nuclear test, this time claiming it to be a hydrogen bomb, representing a major advance in their capabilities. President Trump responded with a new round of threats, as well as new condemnations of diplomacy as a strategy that could be employed.

Again declaring North Korea "a rogue nation," President Trump publicly faulted South Korea's calls for diplomacy, labeling it "appeasement," and insisting that North Korea "only understand one thing."

Threats to attack North Korea have become so common in the Trump administration that if it really was the only thing North Korea understands, one would've figured it would've done something by now, other than bringing both sides to the brink of a major war, and one that all analysts agree is going to be disastrously bad for everyone.

When asked if the US was going to attack North Korea, President Trump offered a very unsatisfying "we'll see," leading to a flurry of concerns that Trump is not taking a war that would likely kill millions of people very seriously.