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Syria - Rebel Trained Children Perform "Chemical Attack" (Video)


The evidence was found by Partisangirl who today tweeted:

Partisangirl ???????? @Partisangirl 11:20 PM - 27 Aug 2017

DAMNING VIDEO: Terrorists make #Syria-n children rehearse false flag chemical attack.

Partisangirl links to a video on her videopage on Youtube. The annotations say:

Published on Aug 27, 2017

The original video was published in September 2013 on this channel . This is a shortened version of that video. It shows children being instructed by terrorists to act like they have been hit with Sarin gas, they convulse, they're eyes blink and they froth at the mouth with fake foam applied to their faces by terrorists. A of children applaud. A man in a Mickey mouse costume tells them it's all fun.

Here is the screenshot of the original Youtube video page of ?????? ??? ????: