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Ex-RNC Official Shields Demolishes CNN's Irresponsible Trump Rally Coverage

•, Newsbusters

Fighting a brave battle against CNN's emotionally hysterical, overwhelmed, and triggered liberals after Tuesday's Trump rally, CNN political commentator and former RNC official Mike Shields thoroughly lambasted his colleagues losing their minds for spending time "chiming in that we just think the President is insane" and deeming him mentally ill.

Shields faced harsh push back, including some fake news pushed by CNN Tonight host Don Lemon that no one on the air questioned whether President Trump himself was unstable but just his speech and behavior. Good luck trying to wrap your head around that one.

At roughly 12:40 a.m. Eastern on Wednesday, Shields calmly began by stating that "a piece of advice I would give everybody" in the media "is the President's spent a tremendous amount of time tonight criticizing the media" and there's a reason for that.