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IPFS News Link • Treason and Sedition

Treason: GOP Congressman Says Muslim IT Spy Had Access To ...

•, by Tim Brown

Representative Steve King (R-IA) has pointed out that the Pakistan-born Muslim Democrat IT spy, Imran Awan, had access to "all the communication of the Foreign Affairs Committee."

Kings' comments came on Breitbart New's Whatever it Takes with Curt Schilling on Wednesday.

Breitbart reports, "Rep. King, a staunch conservative and ally of populist nationalism, stressed that the facts are anything but clear at this stage. The surface narrative itself was suspicious enough for King even before getting into the extensive criminal allegations against Awan and his brothers. The trio is reported to have been paid over $4 million over the last eight years for providing IT services for Wasserman Schultz and up to 24 other Democratic congressmen. Imran Awan himself was reportedly kept on as a "part-time" employee at a $165,000 salary."

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