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IPFS News Link • Drug War

The Cannabis Industry Apocalypse

• By Roger Stone and Jared Freedman

Since the election, President Trump has gone out of his way to demonstrate that he is keeping his campaign pledges.  Taken at his own word, President Donald J. Trump has said it is important to him to keep his promises, and that he understands he will be judged based on how hard he fights to keep his word.

It would be understandable, then, that President Trump would be dismayed at the behavior of his current Attorney General Jeff Sessions.  On May 10th of this year, AG Sessions, in contravention of President Trump's publicly stated position, announced he would be voiding the 'Holder Memo' from August 2013 that stated that the Department of Justice would not be charging and sentencing offenders of anti-marijuana federal laws in states where legalization had been passed.  Jeff Sessions, and his fellow Drug Warriors hope to turn back the clock on personal freedom and liberty, perhaps in hopes of enriching their prison industrial complex buddies. The privately owned for profit prison industry received a giant boon in the form of Jeff Sessions, as one of his first official acts was to overturn the late Obama era ban on for profit private prisons.