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IPFS News Link • Mass Shootings

How to best react in a mass shooting situation


While former President Obama's assertion that the United States is the only industrialized nation that has such problems is far from true, we do have more than our fair share, even when you take into consideration the size of our population and the high rate of firearm ownership.

Unfortunately, between deranged individuals who are looking for their moment of fame, hatred from the political left and Islamic extremists, mass shootings of this sort are on the upswing worldwide. The chances of ending up caught in such a situation are higher now than they have ever been before.

With such a high risk, this is no longer something that any of us can afford to ignore… at least, not if we expect to survive. But what can one person do? How can you and I ensure our own survival, and the survival of those closest to us?

Fortunately, there are things that we can do.