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IPFS News Link • Constitution

200 Democrats Sue Trump Over Alleged Emoluments Clause Violation

• by Tyler Durden

Comey's admission under oath that Trump was never under investigation and that he never attempted to influence the Russia investigation was a startling realization for disaffected democrats and the mainstream media who have been flailing around ever since anxiously attempting to craft a new damaging narrative to perpetuate their witch hunt.

Now, we learn this morning via the Washington Post that the new narrative of choice for disaffected democrats will be that Trump is violating the "emoluments clause" of the constitution every time a foreigner decides to stay at one of his hotels.  According to Wapo, nearly 200 Democrat members of Congress have signed onto the lawsuit led by Senator Richard Blumenthal.

Nearly 200 Democratic members of Congress agreed to file a lawsuit Wednesday against President Trump alleging that by retaining interests in a global business empire he has violated constitutional restrictions on taking gifts and benefits from foreign leaders.

The lead senator filing the complaint in federal district court, Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), said Tuesday that the lawsuit has already drawn more congressional plaintiffs — 196 — than any legal action previously taken against a president. No Republicans had joined in the lawsuit so far, although they will be invited to do so, Blumenthal said.