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IPFS News Link • Government

Town Mortified As Govt Cuts Down, Destroys Community Fruit Forest Over Permit Issue

•, By Matt Agorist

Detroit, Michigan is a prime example. People have turned many areas, essentially brought to ruins through government neglect, into a food oasis. Edible landscapes are increasing throughout the world; however, when government gets involved, this self-sustainability through community gardening can often be thwarted.

The residents of Sunshine Coast, whose city council just unapologetically laid waste to a 7-year-old organically grown fruit tree forest spanning 11 streets, are finding this out the hard way.

A single complaint about a permit sent the city council into a fruit-hating tyrannical whirlspin — eventually leading to the destruction of the entire project.

As ABC reports, the Australian community has been at the center of a six-month stoush with the council after a complaint was made.

The council then ordered residents to obtain public liability insurance and a free permit in order to keep the trees on the footpaths.
