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IPFS News Link • Trump Administration

Michael Snyder Is Calling For An Army Of Pro-Trump Activists To Run For Office All Over America

•, By Michael Snyder

As I have said before, getting Donald Trump elected was the greatest miracle in U.S. political history, but he should not have to wage this battle alone.  Trump has very few friends in Congress at this point, and so it is absolutely critical that we get him some during the 2018 mid-term elections.  So I am calling for an army of pro-Trump activists to run for national, state and local offices all over America in 2018.  Donald Trump started this revolution, and now it is our job to continue it.

My father was in the U.S. Navy, and so sometimes I like to put things in military terms.  When an amphibious invasion is being conducted, it is the troops that hit the beach first that take the most fire.  To me, that is a perfect picture of what is happening to Donald Trump right now.  He has established a beachhead, and now the rest of us need to rush to shore to back him up.