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IPFS News Link • Trump Administration

Understanding Trump: Don't Try


I don't know how many news reports entitled "the two faces of Trump" or "Two-faced Trump" have been written since his election as President of the United States. 

Another common term in Presidential news headlines is "U-turn," referring to Donald Trump's reversal on many campaign promises.  "Trump's Syria U-Turn," "Trump's U-Turn On Chinese Currency Stance," "Trump U-Turn: NATO No Longer Obsolete," to mention a few. 

"Donald Trump Master The Art Of The Unexpected," says a news headline in The Financial Times.  "Planned Parenthood's Brilliant New Ad Features An Unexpected Supporter: Donald Trump," is a blaring headline no one could have predicted. 

If you missed all this political about face you were likely in a coma in the ICU. 

While the political left was loading bullets for their next salvo of demands for early impeachment, Trump was running past them in the direction they started from.

Which political pundit predicted any of this?  

It has become obvious the man who campaigned to limit immigration from Mexico by building a $40 billion wall across America's southern border, who appeared to embrace efforts to question vaccine mandates, who gave the impression he would abolish the North American Free Trade Association agreement between Canada, Mexico and the U.S., who said he wanted to eliminate the alleged nuclear threat posed by North Korea, may have had other objectives in mind.