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IPFS News Link • Police State

The Iron Jaws of the Police State:

• by John W Whitehead

"Policing is broken... It has evolved as a paramilitary, bureaucratic, organizational arrangement that distances police officers from the communities they've been sworn to protect and serve. When we have shooting after shooting after shooting that most people would define as at least questionable, it's time to look, not just at a few bad apples, but the barrel. And I'm convinced that it is the barrel that is rotted."— Norm Stamper, former Seattle police chief


Somebody give Attorney General Jeff Sessions a copy of the Constitution.

And while you're at it, get a copy to President Trump, too.

In fact, you might want to share a copy with the nation's police officers, as well.

I have my doubts that any of these individuals—all of whom swore to uphold and defend the Constitution—have ever read any of the nation's founding documents.
