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IPFS News Link • Syria

Prominent Chemical Weapons Research Company Barred From Investigating Syrian Chemical Attack


Multiple media outlets are reporting that the OPCW has been blocked by Western Nations to conduct a forensic investigation of the recent Syrian chemical attacks. The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) had previously worked with the UN in past chemical weapons investigations before today's reports.

If confirmed, these reports have drastic implications on the direction of science within the realm of American intelligence.

Russian media notes that FM Sergey Lavrov announced this controversial move in a joint meeting with Chinese FM Wang Yi, specifically saying that:

"Yesterday, our joint proposal that OPCW experts visit the sites of the suspected chemical weapon use incident in Syria was blocked by western delegations without coherent explanations. This showed the complete incompetence of the positions of our western colleagues who basically prohibit the OPCW from sending their experts to the site of the incident, to the air base from where aircraft loaded with chemical weapons allegedly flew out."

Syria had requested the OPCW to investigate the chemical weapons attack, according to a UN report which also cites Russian influence in the proposed investigation. U.S. officials have asserted that Assad's henchmen dropped sarin gas in Idlib from the sky in an effort to kill his own citizens.