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IPFS News Link • Syria

Syrian Girl: "Rebels Promised To Bomb Buses Evacuating Shi'ite Civilians"


Mimi Al-Laham, known as Partisan Girl has reported that a video shows Syrian Sunni rebels promising to bomb buses evacuating Shi'ite civilians in 2015 prior to the two bus bombing terrorist attacks in Syria.

The video is extremely graphic and we have before outlined our policy for not showing deceased victims but in this case showing the devastation is warranted to show what the Syrian rebels are capable of.

In December 2016, the rebels bombed a bus evacuating the besieged city of Aleppo and promised to bomb civilians buses evacuating more civilians from the area.

"The buses meant to evacuate the Shi'ite heathens how we burned them for the sake of God, and we will burn every convoy trying to evacuate them," a rebel soldier is heard saying in Arabic.

He added, "You want to evacuate the Shi'ites, do you? Pigs. God willing, they will only leave as corpses."