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IPFS News Link • Courtroom and Trials

Victim Fights Back After Horrifying Video Shows Judge Torture Him in Court

•, Matt Agorist

Now, the victim, Delvon King is fighting back.

Judge Robert Nalley pleaded guilty in February 2016 to depriving King of his civil rights and video of the horrific incident was then released.

Nalley was facing up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $100,000 after pleading guilty. However, since he is subject to a different set of rules because he is a judge, he only had to pay a $5,000 fine.

On Monday, King filed a lawsuit against Nalley, who has since retired.

The charge against Nalley was also weak, as he did not simply deprive a man of his civil rights, but he tortured him. Under any other circumstances, Nalley's actions would have been considered torture, but since he did it under the sanction of his place in government, he was given a pass.
