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IPFS News Link • Treason and Sedition

State Department Writes Anti-Leak Memo...

• by Tyler Durden

At this point it is no great surprise that the Trump administration is the victim of an attempted "soft coup" led by so-called career politicians, most of whom are liberal, Obama/Clinton loyalists, staffing the various agency buildings sprinkled around Washington D.C.  As we noted a few days ago, here is just a small sample of what has been leaked by these career politicians in just the past couple of weeks:

The "National Guard roundup": The AP published a story this week on a draft Homeland Security memo that would call up National Guard units to round up illegal immigrants. The administration quickly denied it was considering the idea, but someone leaked that memo. 

Torture executive order draft: Only days after the inauguration, a draft of an executive order started circulating detailing plans to reinstate the CIA's "black site" prisons and using Gitmo for detainees. It's uncertain where this came from, and nothing has come of it since. 

His conversation with Australia: An official told the NYT that the call between Trump and Australia Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was heated and had an abrupt end. 

His conversation with Mexico: Dolia Estevez from Forbes reported that sources from both sides told her that Trump threatened to send U.S. military to Mexico during his "friendly" phone call with President Nieto. 
