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WATCH: CNN Cuts Off Bernie Sanders on LIVE TV for Calling CNN Fake News

•, Claire Bernish

CNN anchor Erin Burnett interviewed Sanders on the incendiary contention concerning National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn's phone call with Russia's ambassador to the United States, and whether or not sanctions and cooperation were discussed — before President Trump took office.
After then showing Sanders a clip of Trump stating he had not heard about the Flynn controversy, Burnett asked,
"[Trump] says he knows nothing about it, hasn't seen any of these reports. Um … is that a problem?"
"Well I don't know," Sanders replies. "Maybe he was watching CNN fake news. What do you think?"
Visibly shaken Burnett looks down and fumbles with papers for a moment before Sanders clarifies, "It was a joke!"
"I, I know it was a joke," she stammers. "I'm saying you don't buy what he said obviously."
But that implied question goes unanswered, and it becomes apparent Sanders' mic has been cut, when he asks, "Erin?"
