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IPFS News Link • Obama Administration

Bush And Obama Have Killed Far More People Than Putin

•, Caitlin Johnstone

People who say America's presidents are evil while forgiving Putin's obscene abuses of power are as dumb and hypocritical as those who demonize the Russian government while pretending America is a Bambi-eyed cherub. A lot of American lefties seem to think there's some sort of progressive trophy to be won by condemning the abuses of their own administrations while forgiving the transgressions of all others, which is just another kind of myopia. The ex-KGB autocrat is not our friend, my lefty brothers and sisters. This should be obvious. Moving on.

The President of the United States saying "You think our country's so innocent?" to Bill O'Reilly on Fox News was one of the best things that's ever happened. For years Republicans have been moronically bashing Obama for a completely made up "apology tour" wherein they pretend the President went around apologizing for America's war crimes and heinous abuses, and meanwhile Democrats were rightly calling Bush a bloodthirsty monster while wrongly ignoring Obama's bloodbaths all across the globe. And now the establishment Democrats are eagerly embracing the leftover evil neocons from the Bush administration as they form an alliance against Trump. The President's statements (which included a condemnation of the Iraq invasion) were a big, fat dick slap on every single one of these horrible people, and they needed it. If Donald Trump has a stronger moral compass than you, you need to seriously rethink your life.