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Kinsey; Crowley; Sex, Drugs & Rock & Roll; MK Ultra, and . . . Pedogate?


Never paid much attention until lately, when I stumbled across a Youtube documentary about Kinsey and his arguably dubious research methods. Some instinct told me I had to watch it, even though it's nearly three hours long. Prepare to be disturbed — and perhaps riveted — if you can stomach it. Or here's a shorter documentary, Kinsey's Paedophiles (51 min.)

Kinsey has been credited with kick-starting the sexual revolution, and certainly had a tremendous impact — not just on popular culture, but eventually on our legal system as well. His aim was apparently to change cultural attitudes toward forms of sex widely seen as perversions at the time, including homosexuality and pedophilia, and bring them out of the shadows into social acceptance. Looking around our cultural landscape today, it appears he succeeded — to an extent that might surprise even him, were he alive today.

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