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Nigel Farage to become commentator on Rupert Murdoch's Fox News

• The Guardian

Nigel Farage's love affair with Donald Trump's America has taken another leap forward with news the former Ukip leader is to become a commentator on Fox News.

Fox announced Farage would be joining to provide political analysis on its main news channel and its business network in a short statement during Trump's swearing-in as the 45th US president.

Distinguished envoy or sneering shock jock? It's a no-brainer for Farage

Fox is owned by Rupert Murdoch, who has attempted to forge ties with Trump following his victory, and was also a backer of the campaign to leave the EU. New York Magazine's Gabriel Sherman has reported that the media mogul, who owns the Sun and Times newspapers in London, speaks to Trump at least three times a week.

Trump has publicly praised Farage, posing with him just after his election victory and tweeting that he would make a "great" ambassador to the US.

On Thursday night, Farage and his ally Aaron Banks, who bankrolled the Leave.EU campaign, held a party at a Washington hotel near the White House.

During the event, Farage repeatedly praised Trump, describing him as "the only person I have ever met in my life who makes me feel like an introvert" and saying that "Brexit is great, but Trump is Brexit plus plus plus".


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