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IPFS News Link • Justice and Judges

Bundy Ranch Judge to Political Prisoners: No, You Can't Have a Bill of Particulars


If you are looking for corruption in your federal government, you need look no further than to the case of those tied up with trumped up charges against them from the 2014 Bundy Ranch standoff with federal goons from the Bureau of Land Management. Now a magistrate judge is siding with the feds in denying these political prisoners a bill of particulars, demonstrating that she is just as corrupt as the central government.

Anthony Dephue reports:

Magistrate Judge Peggy A. Leen again denied a motion from O. Scott Drexler that would require the Government to produce a Bill of Particulars. This record contains a more exhaustive list describing specific, overt actions by a defendant which result in the basis for a criminal indictment. As it stands now, Drexler (along with Parker, Stewart, and Engel) are under indictment with more than a dozen other defendants. Many of these defendants, though charged with the same crime(s), have fundamentally different avenues for defense. A Bill of Particulars helps a defendant understand the process by which their brought about an indictment.

Drexler (and others) first requested a Bill of Particulars in May 2016. The Government argued that they had graciously provided above and beyond the minimum requirements for evidence and that the 66-page superseding indictment, along with voluminous discovery evidence, left little to question with regard to the genesis of the indictment. The Court sided with the Government, also citing that Drexler's motion did not meet timing requirements as set forth in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.

Drexler pointed out that his arraignment and initial court appearance was in the District of Idaho. After that appearance, Drexler completed extradition to the District of Nevada. During this time, a new court-appointed attorney had to be established. The standard time limit of 14 days after arraignment became fundamentally unattainable.

There are reasons for demanding a bill of particulars. The charges against each of these now officially declared patriots are vague and broad and supersede their indictments.

According to Dephue, "The allegations accuse people on the bridge and people in the wash of the same crimes. Discovery evidence topped out a whopping 1.4 terabytes of digital data. To put that in perspective, if the average iPhone has 64GB of data capacity, discovery could fill 22 iPhones. Most PC, Mac, and laptop devices have less than a terabyte of hard disk capacity."