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IPFS News Link • Education: Private Secular Schools and Home School

The Final Straw That Made Me Decide to Homeschool My Kid


Because I have realized for a long time that school is about social indoctrination more than about actual book learning or fostering a child's intellect and creativity. It's about programming with political agendas and doctored versions of history. Why do you think high schools across America force students to watch CNN Student News five days a week? Actually most parents don't even realize CNN Student News is a thing that exists. I also know that, in a nation that puts more people per capita in prison than any other on the face of the planet, we have a disgusting school-to-prison pipeline problem… And all of that is before we even get to the magical brain candy that is common core math.

Like I say in the video below: sending one's child to the average American public school is like putting him through a game of Mouse Trap every day and just hoping he doesn't come back physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually damaged in some way.

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