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Why you can't find safe vaccines


(NaturalNews) The very first vaccine was for smallpox. It turned out to be a disaster, increasing the death rates and incidence of smallpox, while causing numerous serious side effects.

(Article by Michelle Goldstein, republished from

Likewise, the polio vaccine is widely credited for eliminating polio in this country, while in reality, the polio vaccine caused an increase in polio rates, which was hidden from the public by a redefinition of the polio disease.

The number of vaccines, with the health damage and deaths they cause, continues to grow.

Many of those opposed to vaccines are not opposed to the idea of preventing disease through vaccination, but want vaccines that are both safe and effective. The pharmaceutical companies have been unable to provide a single safe and effective vaccine.

Few people are aware of the fact that safe vaccines do exist. Homeopathic vaccinations have been proven to be safe, effective and inexpensive.

At first glance, a safe, cost-effective vaccination appear to be a good thing. Further investigation quickly uncovers that a low cost, effective homeopathic immunization threatens the huge profits of vaccine makers whose goals, like all corporations, are to profit as much as possible through selling their products, including vaccines, at the highest price possible.

Inexpensive, safe, effective alternative treatments in general are shunned and destroyed by our medical industry. This has been evident in the cancer industry and the widespread destruction of homeopathic practice in this country since the 1900s.

Safe Homeopathic Immunization

Within the homeopathic health community, it is well known that safe homeopathic immunizations, more commonly described as nodules or remedies, exist for most diseases targeted by conventional medicine's vaccinations.

The following diseases can be targeted through these safe homeopathic remedies, with immunity commonly lasting for 2-4 years, but occasionally up to 10 years. 100 years of medical research confirms the effectiveness of these safe homeopathic immunizations:

Chicken Pox: Antimonium tart., Pulsatilla, Rhus tox.

Cholera: Arsenicum alb., Choleratoxinum , Cuprum ac., Veratrum alb.

Diphtheria: Apis, Mercurius cyan., Diphtherinum

Hydrophobia/ Rabies: Hydrophobinum, Lyssinum, Stramonium

Influenza & Colds: Psorinum 200c given in the fall before it becomes cold will strengthen the system against cold and flu virus; Influenzinum et Baccilinum 200c (from Nelson's Pharmacy, London) every 3-4 weeks during flu season greatly reduces the incidence of colds and influenza; Ocilloccocinum, 10 pellets twice a day given at the first sign of a cold or flu will often abort the infection

Measles: Aconitum nap., Arsenicum alb., Morbillinum, Pulsatilla, Varicellinium

Mumps: Parotidinum, Pilocarpine, Trifolium rep.

Pertussis/ Whooping Cough: Cuprum met., Drosera, Vaccinum, Pertussinum

Pneumonia: Pneumococcinum

Polio: Carbolic ac., Lathyrus sat. Physostigma, Polio (mixed nosode), Polio (Salk)

Rubella/German measles: Pulsatilla, Rubella nosode

Smallpox: Antimonium tart., Hydrastis, Kali cyan., Variolinum

Tetanus: Ledum pal., Thuja, Tetanotoxinum;

Tonsillitis: Quinsy- Barita carbonica 30c given when inflammation threatens will abort the development of the inflammation

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