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IPFS News Link • Transportation

Tesla is at risk of being steamrolled by the next big transformation in how we get around

•, Matthew DeBord

It's story is exciting: It's the first new, viable American car company since Chrysler was established in 1925, selling all electric vehicles with world-saving and world-changing ambitions, driven by a charismatic Silicon Valley billionaire who also wants to send rockets to Mars. 

But the auto industry is littered with exciting stories that ultimately didn't pan out.

Tesla has defied the naysayers for years, dodged bankruptcy, and captured the attention not just of the public, but also of the traditional car business. But that doesn't mean Tesla can survive the disruption, rapidly accelerating, that it helped set in motion.

The electric-car narrative is both aging and failing to thrive. Pretty much every other electric-car startup that launched around the same time as Tesla has gone out business. Established automakers talk a good game around electric, but the business is still almost entirely internal-combustion. No one is buying electric cars; they make up only about 1% of current global sales, and in some markets, especially the US, they're declining.