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IPFS News Link • MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)

Media Photoshops Hillary Crowd to Make Her Audience Look Bigger

•, Paul Joseph Watson

The Hill newspaper is being accused of Hillary favoritism after it used a fake photoshopped crowd to promote a live video stream of Clinton's rally in St. Petersburg.

A tweet entitled 'WATCH LIVE: Clinton holds Fla. rally after major Trump speech' was illustrated by a picture of Hillary giving a speech surrounded by a large crowd of people.

However, the image is obviously a mock up, with groups of people layered into the shot.

The real crowd at the event looked somewhat less sizeable and a lot less enthusiastic.

"A couple of hundred people showed up [door count puts the number at 171] within a St. Petersburg venue capable of holding in excess of 4,000 without seating," points out the Conservative Treehouse.
