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MUST READ: How the FBI and DOJ criminalize honest citizens while allowing ...


(NaturalNews) Regardless of your political affiliation, this is a must-read article because it describes in raw, naked detail how the FBI / DOJ justice scam really operates in America. Remember, thanks to the absolute corruption of Washington D.C., "justice" really means "just us." In other words, the politically connected elite write laws and carry out the selective prosecution of laws solely to serve their own self-interest.

And if you're not part of the politically connected elite, you're automatically guilty and will sooner or later be prosecuted under some wildly exaggerated, arcane rendition of a law that's never applied to people like Hillary Clinton.

Here's exactly how the FBI and DOJ carry out their "justice theater" that's essentially nothing more than gross injustice that exists in violation of the rule of law.

Step 1: Generate hundreds of thousands of laws and regulations that ensnare anyone who might be targeted for scrutiny

The first step in achieving selecting prosecution is to pass so many laws that no human being can possibly be innocent of them all.

Read the book Three Felonies a Day to learn the startling truth that the average American unknowingly commits three felony crimes each day (thanks to all the insane laws on the books).

The point is that no ordinary person can survive scrutiny without being arrested, prosecuted and jailed.

Step 2: Practice selective prosecution to target your political enemies while looking the other way for your political friends

Since everybody is guilty of three felonies a day, the job of the politically-motivated FBI or DOJ simply becomes one of choosing whom to target.

Since every person in America can be brought up on criminal charges if their actions are sufficiently scrutinized, the goal of criminalizing the government's enemies is achieved in the simplest manner possible: Focusing surveillance and scrutiny on those individuals the political regime wants to imprison.

And now that the federal government has all your financial records, email records, search engine queries, web surfing activities and even your careless social media posts, they can easily easily link you to any number of crimes you unknowingly committed by violating the multitude of confusing laws you didn't even know existed.

While people like Hillary Clinton get away with treason by claiming they "didn't mean to do it," when the FBI comes knocking on your door, they'll calmly explain to you that "ignorance of the law is no excuse."

See, laws are for the little people like you and me... not for the Washington elite.


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