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IPFS News Link • Secret Societies

Decades worth of Bilderberg Group Documents Have Been Leaked Online.

•, by Danny F. Quest

Yes you are reading this correctly, on Jun 12, 2016, near the conclusion of this years infamous Bilderberg meeting, and just a few days prior to the Orlando Mass Shooting Event,  a vast collection of photo-copied documents, obtained from a variety of sources  all related to the Bilderberg Group were gathered from academic institutions all around the world, then they were consolidated and uploaded to the academic archive site

A few years ago the BBC uncovered incredible archived Bilderberg documents which confirmed that both the EU and the Euro were the brainchild of Bilderberg. These documents and others are apart of the massive information leak. European media pressured Bilderberg into coughing up the documents after it had refused to provide them in the United States. These documents confirmed earlier American Free Press reports that the Bilderberg Group was indeed behind the formation of the European Union. Bilderberg has, at one time or another, had representatives of all major U.S. newspapers and mainstream network news outlets attend. They are allowed to do so on their promise to report nothing. By maintaining strict Chatham house rules, Bilderberg is able to maintain it's news blackout especially in the United States. The group erroneously expected to be able to keep all it's secrets under wraps because of course all the major United States media companies have collaborated in the blackout. However this year in Europe, Bilderberg  had to confront a lot of major media coverage, thanks in a large part to Journalist like Luke Rudkowski, Tony Gosling, and Charlie Skelton

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