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IPFS News Link • European Union

BREXIT victory shocks NWO - were "conspiracy theories" responsible?

• Veterans Today

Two days ago David Cameron was mocking "Brexit conspiracy theorists." Today he announced his impending resignation.

The New World Order plan to impose bankster-driven global tyranny took a huge hit Friday morning as news of the Brexit victory stunned markets, political leaders and pundits.

They obviously hadn't planned on this. Polls before the vote showed "leave" down 52%-48%. Given the likelihood of pro-"remain" election fraud – the skids for which had been greased by the elimination of exit polls – a pro-Brexit result seemed mathematically impossible. So…what happened?

That is undoubtedly what the Rothschilds and their minions are asking themselves as they take a much-needed break from cackling and rubbing their hands together in glee at the cascading successes of their planetary hostile takeover operation, and instead get to experience a tiny fraction of the anxiety that their victims everywhere have been living with for centuries.

Wipe that smirk off your face Jacob, Brexit just lost

A poll-forecasted four point Brexit defeat somehow turned into a four-point victory. That's an eight-point swing overnight.  How did it happen?

Normally such discrepancies suggest election fraud. But the people with the tools to steal elections were generally anti-Brexit, so I think we can eliminate that possibility.

The second leading reason for poll vs. result discrepancies is what might be called a "tell the pollster what the establishment wants to hear" bias. Polls that ask whether you would refuse to vote for Obama because he is black, for example, typically find very few if any people saying "yes, of course I would never vote for a black president." But actual secret-ballot votes show that this kind of racism exists in much greater numbers than polls reveal. (Conversely, of course, even more people voted for Obama BECAUSE he was black; but they probably wouldn't easily admit that to a pollster either.)

Voting for Brexit, like racism, is politically-incorrect according to establishment ideology. Therefore a certain percentage of people probably misstated their actual intentions to pollsters. This had the happy result of lulling the New World Order elites into a sense of complacency. They probably had a contingency plan to steal the election if it was close. They probably decided they wouldn't have to to so because the polls showed they would win anyway. Or, conversely, they may have figured they would only have to shave off a couple of points from the pro-Brexit side, not realizing that the polls were massively  understating pro-Brexit sentiment. So they may have committed election fraud, but not to the degree that would have permitted them to win.

The NWO elites may also have had another reason for complacency: The seeming success of the apparent Jo Cox murder false flag.