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Perfection or bust - the rise and fall of The DAO


Full disclosure - I own some ether and I have put some of it into The DAO presale. I don't think it coloured my view of the situation, but I feel it's better to be open about such things.

The DAO has made a lot of waves recently. First - last month when it became the largest crowdfunding project in history, at one point surpassing Star Citizen's 116M USD (although it might be partially due to ETH exchange rate fluctuations). Second time - earlier this week when the DAO was hacked. So lets start from the beginning and have a look at the rise and fall of The DAO.

DAOs, in general

DAO, or Decentralised Autonomous Organisations have been a fairly nebulous concept in the crypto space for awhile. They basically are computer programs that run as an organisation, using its code as law. They can hold digital assets and money that can be spend on various projects, services and other digital assets.

Some have proposed to use DAOs to create a rudimentary self-sustaining decentralised organisations. Such programs would actually use their resources to hire people to improve them. I've heard this concept described first during the 2013's Money2020 Ripple conference, and I would consider BitShares to be one of the first self-sustaining DAOs.