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Backstab! Clinton plotting coup against top ally?


Critics have long accused former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of being willing to demolish anyone who stands in her way — including her close friends.

Now reports have emerged from Capitol Hill that the Clinton campaign may be organizing a betrayal of one her most loyal allies– Democratic National Committee head Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Schultz could soon be fired as a sacrificial lamb to Clinton's opponents.

"Schultz has had an increasingly acrimonious relationship with the party's other presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, and his supporters, who argue she has tilted the scales in Clinton's favor," The Hill reports.

Now, this loyal supporter of Clinton and head of the establishment Democrats may be faced with an internal coup — led by Clinton herself and her supporters.

Top Democrats are saying that "Schultz should be removed as the head of the party because she has become 'too toxic' in the ongoing Democratic civil war," according to CNN.

"There have been a lot of meetings over the past 48 hours about what color plate do we deliver Debbie Wasserman Schultz's head on," an anonymous Democratic senator backing Clinton revealed to The Hill,  who went on to say that nearly a dozen top lawmakers engaged in secret talks both on the Senate floor and in private.

According to what a Democratic senator told CNN, "any decision would ultimately fall to the campaign of Clinton."

The idea seems simple — betray Shultz and replace her to appease supporters of rival Bernie Sanders, hoping that they would respond by happily falling in line behind Clinton against presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

Sanders has been feuding with Schultz and establishment Democrats, saying both are favoring Clinton. He has criticized the party for scheduling debates on weekend nights, for having many closed primaries and for its "superdelegate" system that helped Clinton pad her lead.

Sanders has recently begun funding a candidate running against Schultz for her Congressional seat in South Florida.