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John Stossel Reveals He Has Lung Cancer, Says 'Hospitals Are Lousy at Customer Service'


Stossel, 69, opened up about his battle in an op-ed for, using the platform to both praise his care while also complaining "hospitals are lousy at customer service."

"My doctors tell me my growth was caught early and I'll be fine. Soon I will barely notice that a fifth of my lung is gone. I believe them. After all, I'm at New York-Presbyterian Hospital," Stossel writes. "I get excellent medical care here."

He goes on to detail the ways he is dissatisfied with the customer service, which he says "stinks."

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"Doctors keep me waiting for hours, and no one bothers to call or email to say, 'I'm running late,' " writes he writes. "Few doctors give out their email address. Patients can't communicate using modern technology."

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