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IPFS News Link • Central Banks/Banking

What Happened When I Tried to Take $1500 Cash Out of Bank of America-Bank Holiday is Near


To those who expected to read how the criminal elite are going stop Donald Trump short of singular assassination plot, that story will be printed on this site, tomorrow.

Yesterday, I went to Bank of America to withdraw $1500 cash. You would of thought I had a sign around my neck saying that I was a heroin dealer.

The teller went and got a bank officer who began to question me:

Bank Officer: Sir, what are you using the money for?

Me: I am using it for a legal personal matter. Beyond that, it is none of your business.

Bank Officer; Sir, we can put a hold on your account. 

Me: Mr. Bank Officer, I will remove my entire account and deposit it to another bank if I do not have my money in five minutes and I want my money in $100 bills. 

Bank Officer: Sir, your threats will not work here and if you are not cooperative and fill out this form, I will call the police and notifiy the IRS. (He wanted me to fill out a Cash Transaction Report which is not required unless your withdrawing $10,000  or more)