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General Mills surrenders to GMO labeling, reluctantly decides to label foods but still ...


(NaturalNews) General Mills, a highly unethical food corporation that bitterly fought against labeling GMOs in California and Oregon, has now surrendered to Vermont's labeling laws and announced it will start labeling GMOs across the country.

"General Mills has announced it will start labeling products with genetically modified (GMO) ingredients, becoming the second major food company to make the transition following Campbell Soup's decision last month," reports The pro-Monsanto biotech shills in the mainstream media -- like -- have also covered the story, but they're ridiculously claiming that printing an extra line on food labels is going to raise food prices across the country and make groceries unaffordable.

This surrender by General Mills stands as yet another huge victory for consumers and a staggering defeat for the food monopolists and Monsanto deceivers who have desperately tried to block all GMO labeling by any means necessary (including engaging in illegal campaign money laundering carried out by the Grocery Manufacturers of America).

General Mills desperately hoped the DARK Act would pass

All along, General Mills financially supported that money laundering and helped fund highly deceptive efforts in California to block GMO labeling there. Even now, General Mills' totally clueless executive vice president and chief operating officer Jeff Harmening laments the fact that the DARK Act did not pass as General Mills wanted. In a deceptively worded post on the General Mills website, he even states that he was "disappointed that a national solution has still not been reached."

By "national solution," he means the nationwide outlawing of mandatory GMO labeling laws. That was what General Mills pushed for, along with Monsanto, PepsiCo and all the other usual food giant suspects whose entire business models depend on tricking people into buying and consuming things they would probably avoid if they really knew the truth about what's in them.

General Mills, like every other food giant that depends heavily on GMO ingredients, doesn't want you to know what you're eating. In fact, they've only surrendered to labeling after being dragged kicking and screaming to that inescapable conclusion. General Mills could have chosen to label their GMOs at any time over the last several years, but they refused to do so. Even as Campbell's took the lead and announced its intention to label all GMOs, General Mills refused to engage in food transparency until it was forced to do so.

Even its own page explaining its reluctant GMO labeling cave-in begins with a huge lie. It states "We believe you should know about your food and how we make ours." But that's not true! In reality, General Mills believes in hiding GMO ingredients in all its food products and making sure consumers are left in the dark about what they're buying and eating.
