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Senate set to vote on DARK Act TODAY, bill would criminalize any and all claims that say ...


(NaturalNews) A piece of legislation that would prohibit states from enacting GMO-labeling laws, as well as make it difficult for companies wishing to voluntarily label GMOs, is expected to hit the Senate floor for a vote today. The Senate vote has been dreaded by the Right to Know movement ever since it passed the House of Representatives 275–150 in mid-July.

Authored by Senator Pat Roberts (R-KS), the bill has been labeled the "Deny Americans the Right to Know (DARK) Act" by healthy food advocates because it eliminates a person's right to know exactly what is in their food.

The newly "introduced legislation [is] intended to preempt state GMO labeling laws - and it's expected to come to a floor vote TOMORROW," said the Environmental Working Group in an action alert email sent on March 15, 2015.

The clock is ticking

"This is our LAST CHANCE to stand up for GMO labeling and keep Big Food and Monsanto's allies in Congress from robbing us of our right to know," warned EWG in the email. "Americans should have the same right as citizens of 64 other countries to know whether or not their food contains genetically engineered ingredients."

You can take action now by sending a message to the Senate and voicing your support for GMO-labeling here.

One of the worst components of the DARK Act is that it would reverse any GMO-labeling laws already passed by individual states. Therefore, Vermont's GMO-labeling law, scheduled to take effect July 1, would be nullified.

"The DARK Act is Big Government's desperate effort to stifle free speech about food, and if passed, it would usher in a new Dark Ages of totalitarian, government mandated censorship and oppression of food transparency," said Mike Adams of Natural News, author of the new book Food Forensics and lab science director of CWC Labs.

"This DARK Act effort is the opposite of science; it is the desperate hiding of facts from consumers so that people are denied factual information about what they are eating. Every U.S. Senator who votes for this bill will be publicly exposed and shamed as 'food traitors' to America's moms and dads who are merely trying to understand what they're feeding their own children."

DARK Act favors Big Food and the world's seed monopolies

The DARK Act was largely backed by Republicans when it passed the House last summer. Only 12 Republicans voted against it, acknowledging its "infringement of states' rights and local control," reported EcoWatch.

"If the United States Senate votes to censor and cover up this information in order to protect the financial interests of Monsanto, then that Senate will forfeit every last ounce of credibility it might have possessed. If the DARK Act passes, the U.S. Senate effectively declares a FOOD WAR on the American people," Adams added.

The DARK Act, an outright attack on America's health, is so sinister that its passing is almost unimaginable, particularly when you consider the fact that society is more interested in clean, healthy and organic food than ever before.

Home Grown Food