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IPFS News Link • How To

The 10 Commandments of the At-Home Dinner Date


Commandment #1: A dinner date at home does not make a good first date.

No matter how excited you are to impress her, it's kind of creepy to invite her to your house on the first date. She doesn't yet know whether you're a serial killer who's literally planning on having her for dinner. Save it for the third date or later. Also, taking her to a restaurant first will give you an idea of what she likes. Pay attention to what she drinks and eats; it will help you develop your own menu.

Commandment #2: Get as much done in advance as possible.

In trying to impress my date, I've made the mistake of preparing overly complicated dishes. But with poor preparation, all of my attention was on cooking and not on her. That completely defeats the purpose. Prep as much as possible so that the cooking itself can be effortless. Do however leave some simple tasks for her so that she can get involved. It will add to the experience and can give you a distraction if the conversation lags. Having her make the salad is perfect for this — that way she will be cooking at the same time you are.