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IPFS News Link • Philosophy: Fascism

This German float mocks Trump for being fascist, but they may be right.


Each year Germany has Carnival season, a time of year in which German cities hold festivals and parades with floats representative of the current era. This year, the city of Düsseldorf made a float that captures how many Germans (and Europeans and Americans, of course) view GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump and his political ideologies.

The float featured Trump's face positioned in a very whiny demeanor with blue around his eyes to represent his tears over losing the Iowa caucus to presidential candidate Ted Cruz. What really makes the figure stand out, however, is his hair, which reads "Make Fascism Great Again." This is, of course, a play on Trump's slogan to "Make America Great Again," something that many of the conservative voters seems to blindly agree with.

Another stunning but subtle detail is Trump's shoulder decal. A button saying "Trump 2016" is prominent over a red band, which covers a black uniform he dons on his shoulder. This might seem like he's just wearing a button in support of himself, but the colors and the red band are symbolic of the Nazi Party during Hitler's regime.

Germans really are the experts on the matter of the terrible rise and fall of Nazism, and it's no wonder they are comparing Trump to Hitler. Though the Nazi Party was the National Socialist German Workers' Party, the group actually had fascist ideologies and policies. Here's a brief breakdown of fascism (Nazism) with a relevant Donald Trump quote or action for a better comparison:

Credit: Breitbart

Credit: Breitbart

Fascism emphasizes a myth of national or racial rebirth after a period of decline or destruction: Trump's signature quote, "Make America Great Again," emphasizes this point because it suggests that America was once great and has seen a period of decline. He states that he can make the nation great "again," indicating that he is in favor of rebirth.

Fascism tends to celebrate masculinity and the regenerative power of violence: Trump has been criticized for his sexist statements in regards to the women he has interacted with. In particular, he has tweeted about the outstanding amount of unreported sexual assaults in the military and says, "What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together?" It's possible that they expected them to control themselves and respect each other and not assault one another like decent human beings. But for a sexist like Trump, men apparently shouldn't be blamed for not controlling themselves once women were introduced into the military, but instead those who decided to let them commingle are to blame.