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IPFS News Link • Communities

Apparently, Fleeing the City During A Crisis for Rural Shelter Is "Treason"


(Truthstream Media) If there is a major crisis – from an economic collapse, to a terror attack, natural disaster or mass civil unrest – your first thought may be to escape the city and retreat to the safety of your hideaway shelter in the countryside. But that's exactly what the collectivist government DOESN'T want you to do.

Instead, they want you to line up and join the masses at overcrowded FEMA camps and public shelters… and hope for the best.

Propaganda films during the atomic age were heavy on the scare tactics, but this one made clear that self-reliance and prepper-minded individuals are going too far against society – and should be regarded as "deserters" and "treasonous" if they don't stay put in their cities, follow orders and show up for their job.