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IPFS News Link • Propaganda

Apparently, Fleeing the City During A Crisis for Rural Shelter Is "Treason"


Instead, they want you to line up and join the masses at overcrowded FEMA camps and public shelters… and hope for the best.

Propaganda films during the atomic age were heavy on the scare tactics, but this one made clear that self-reliance and prepper-minded individuals are going too far against society – and should be regarded as "deserters" and "treasonous" if they don't stay put in their cities, follow orders and show up for their job.

After all, it is a collective effort, and even the threat of nuclear annihilation is no excuse for going off on your own – even to save your own family (though that certainly won't stop the elite from doing so…).

The real reason is that – just as today with terrorism – the government wants a malleable and obedient population that will take orders from central authorities and join the herd. It is instinct and survival against mass conformity and power.